How do mice get into your home?

mice infestations

 Mice and the hidden highways underneath your home

Wherever you live, whether it’s in a city home or a countryside cottage, mice infestations are a common problem. In a lot of cases, no matter how hard you try, they still somehow manage to get into your home or scurry under your floorboards. But how?

No matter how small a crack or crevice is, mice will find a way.

Here are some of the ‘hidden highways’ that mice use to squeeze into your home:

  • Gaps between false floors
  • Cable passages
  • Pipes
  • Ceiling vents
  • Internet ducts in office buildings
  • Routing wires
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Any cracks or crevices left unsealed
  • Even chimneys!

Read more about how mice can get into your property here.

These various pipes, gaps and secret pathways make sure that mice can travel in between, underneath and through buildings without being caught or seen. This is why many people and businesses do not know that they have mice in their building.

Only when you see a mouse do you suspect an infestation. But you may have an infestation even if you cannot see them. Listen out for scratching under floorboards, foul smells, any chew marks or droppings too. Other hidden signs of infestation.

Mice have flexible skeletons so they can fit through gaps as small as a pencil! They gain enough moisture from their food in most cases, so they do not have to drink water either.

How can I get rid of mice?

The following tips can help prevent an infestation in your commercial or residential property:

  1. Make sure to empty bins and dispose of food waste regularly.
  2. Keep your home as clean and tidy as possible so mice are not attracted by crumbs or little bits of rubbish to build their nests. More.
  3. Mice-proof your home by sealing any gaps or cracks.
  4. Monitor your house for mice. Routine inspections can be undertaken by qualified pest exterminators which can ensure that infestations are caught early and dealt with swiftly.