Choose sustainable products for your home

Buying greener furniture, fittings and flooring


A surprising amount of energy and water is used to manufacture furniture and flooring. You can make a difference by choosing sustainably produced wood and furniture, and fitting energy and water efficient fixtures in your home.

Choose low-energy lighting options

Low-energy light bulbs can use five times less electricity than old-style conventional light bulbs, meaning fewer carbon emissions. They work in standard fittings and lamps.

  • low-energy bulbs are now widely available at low prices (including in supermarkets)
  • a 20 watt, 12,000 hour CFL will save around 60 over its lifetime compared with an equivalent 100 watt tungsten filament bulb
  • you can buy low-energy bulbs that look similar to old-style bulbs and give out the same coloured light
  • most low-energy bulbs have information about their brightness compared with conventional bulbs on the packet
  • many low energy bulbs on sale can’t be used with dimmer switches, but these are becoming more widely available


Timber flooring from a leading supplier in Brisbane

Choose wood products from sustainable sources

You can find wooden furniture or flooring products made from sustainable timber in the shops or on the internet. One of the best timber flooring suppliers in Brisbane is Marques Flooring.

Look for labels from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC) or other forest certification schemes. You can ask your retailer about certification schemes.

Be aware of treatments and finishes

Many paints, adhesives and varnishes give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These can damage the environment by reacting with other chemicals to produce what’s known as surface level ozone.

When you are choosing a treatment, adhesive or varnish, look at the product labels to check the VOC content before you buy. Try to find the one with the lowest VOC content possible. You could always try eco/natural paints.