Top 8 facts about Fibreglass

fibreglass in construction: 10 facts

Fibreglass in Construction: 8 Top Facts

We hear the term fibreglass in many areas of construction and manufacturing nowadays. It can be used for anything from a pen to a house-like structure!

Here we have 8 facts about fibreglass- what it is, how it is used and how it is made. Take a look!

1.Components within Fibreglass

Fibreglass is made up of various components such as silica or silicate, boron, magnesium and calcium.

Read more here. 

2. Low level of Glass Fibres

The level of actual glass fibres in fibreglass doesn’t need to be very high at all for it to be defined as fibreglass.

3. Fibreglass is stronger than you think

It is durable, weather-resistant and very strong, even though it is really lightweight.

Key Features of Fibreglass. 

4. Fibreglass or metal?

Compared to other metals traditionally used in construction, fibreglass has felicity so it can be moulded into absolutely any shape, without the strength of the structure being impacted.

Which is stronger: steel or fibreglass?

5. What’s the difference between carbon fibre and fibreglass?

Many people often compare these two materials, get muddled up between the two, or even think they are the same thing.

While carbon fibre is stiffer and stronger, fibreglass is more cost-effective, more moldable and less prone to shattering.

6. Fibreglass is applied in many products

Fibreglass is used for anything – from baths and showers, cars and boats, to water and septic tanks, swimming pools, plant pots, and surfboards.

7. Abbreviations for Fibreglass

  • In the construction and manufacturing world, fibreglass is also known as GRP or GFRP. These stand glass-reinforced plastic and glass-fibre reinforced plastic.
  • When two materials or components are bonded, this is called composite moulding. Find out more.

8. How is fibreglass manufactured? 

The process of making fibreglass is pultrusion. This means that a chemical solution will be used to coat the strands of glass fibres.

Watch the video for more information.

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