How to sell your property at auction successfully

selling property at auction

Why should you sell your property at auction?

In order to fully understand how to sell a property successfully at auction, it’s vital to understand how exactly a property auction works.

Auctions usually open with a price that ascends as bidders bid against each other.

The purpose of auctions of all kinds is to sell goods quickly – whether they are cars, jewellery, antiques, farm animals or property.

At a property auction, the property will come under offer when the hammer goes down.

The winning bidder is required to put down at least a 10% deposit on the property just to secure the sale.

Property auctions require a very fast sale, with the full amount being transferred within a month.

Why sell your property at auction?

  • Interested buyers will drive up the price so the property can be sold for more in some cases.
  • Auctions attract a large variety of buyers: landlords and property developers for example.
  • It guarantees a quick sale.
  • You will receive the money for your sale within a month.

The property auction process:

  • Auction application and appraisal
  • Documentation and certification 
  • Legalities
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Reserving the price
  • Auction 
  • Completion

Learn more about the property auction process.

How to successfully sell your home at auction

Homeowners, landlords and property developers will often wonder what they can do to sell their property successfully, quickly and for the highest possible auction price.

Here are some top tips that can help you:

1.Presentation is key

You need to present your property in the best possible way. This can be done through effective marketing and advertising, although do not rely on this.

Make some small interior changes and stage your home to attract potential buyers. More here.

Also, tidy up the outside of your home – add flowers or hanging baskets, tidy up the garden to make it as appealing outdoors as it is indoors.

2.Social Media

Make the most of social media sites – you can show pictures, small videos, and keep maintaining a social media presence to spark and develop interest.

As well as the auction catalogue, using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for example can help diversify your audience.

3. Seek professional advice

If you need help and support with decorating the interior of your home to suit potential buyers, then seek the advice of an interior designer or an architect for the outside of your home.

If your home has only one bathroom, or a limited number of bedrooms, then you may want to consider a small extension or renovation.

There is a number of funding options that can help you with your property development project. See more here.